Independent School District No. 67, Payne County, Oklahoma (Cushing Public Schools)

In accordance with the Bond Transparency Act of 2017, please see the information below:

Date of Posting: Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Description of Proposed Bond Projects voting on 8th day of February, 2022:

to construct, equip and/or acquire a New Elementary School $56,400,000.00

to construct, equip and/or acquire High School Additions to include but not be limited to: new classrooms, football concessions, and restroom building $6,650,000.00

to construct, equip and/or acquire additions and renovation to the High School Fine Arts to include but not be limited to: new classrooms and choir room $2,450,000.00

to construct, equip and/or acquire a multi-purpose building/storm shelter at the Middle School $4,200,000.00

TOTAL: $69,700,000.00

Description of Unpaid/Unfinished Bonds Previously Approved by Voters of the Jurisdiction:

As of the 8th day of February, 2022, Independent School District No. 67, Payne County, Oklahoma, has 2 General Obligation bond issue(s) outstanding:

$1,000,000 Transportation Equipment Bonds of 2017, dated June 1, 2017 ($250,000 outstanding in principal as of the 8th day of February, 2022); and

$7,470,000 Building Bonds of 2020, dated June 1, 2020 ($7,470,000 outstanding in principal as of the 8th day of February, 2022).

The School District has $7,470,000 in unissued building bonds authorized at an election held on the 5th day of March, 2013. These bonds will be used to complete the constructing, furnishing, equipping, and/or acquiring of a new middle school.

Detailed Description of the Use of Previous Bond Proceeds:

2017 Issue

Purchase student transportation vehicles $1,000,000.00

2020 Issue

Construct, furnish, equip, and/or acquire a new middle school (521 S. Harmony Road, Cushing, Oklahoma) to include, but not be limited to: thermal and moisture protection and finishes $7,470,000.00